5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: An Idiot’s Guide To the Right

Gavin McInnes writes:

Ann Coulter is annoyed by all the infighting and says we have to unite to win this next election. She recognizes there will be those who want to vote for their own group such as libertarians and her solution to this is to have them drowned. I’m inclined to agree. Ted Cruz is the future of America and I hereby resolve to eat a $100 bill if he doesn’t win. He is the only candidate who is capable of commandeering the ship of fools and bringing it back into the harbor.

Oh yeah, that’s another thing: Ann Coulter does not literally want to submerge her philosophical opponents in water until they die. This is called “hyperbole.”

Every time I say this about Coulter, New Yorkers inevitably ask the same question: “Is she really like that or does she just say those things to sell books?” When I say “What things?” there is never a response. Then I ask them to show fault with one sentence in one of her books. They never can because they’ve never opened one. Like their hatred of Fox, it is based on a fictional vortex they’ve never peered into.