5 Feet of Fury

The Pied Stripper of Canada: My NEW Taki’s column

About the gay stripper who worked for Free the Children…

Free the Children was founded almost twenty years ago by inescapable Canadian butt-pain Craig Kielburger, who walks among us as the incarnation of Charles Dickens’ most irritating characters.

At age 12, a newspaper story about the death of a child laborer in Pakistan inspired Kielburger to journey to that godforsaken litter box, with his parents’ approval, to scold the authorities.

Some have questioned Kielburger’s version of that child laborer’s death, among other things, and have received takedown notices for their pains. However, I doubt that even Canada’s suffocating libel laws prevent me from merely reflecting upon the eccentric, slightly ghoulish, and paternalistic flavor of that adventure, one which launched Kielburger’s quest to, in his own words, “take over the world.”