5 Feet of Fury

Here Comes the Mob (Again): My NEW Taki’s column

Comments get JOOOOOOO!-y surprisingly fast this week…

“Offensive” isn’t the word that springs to mind when glancing at Thought Catalog’s constantly updating front page on any given day. Typical fare includes “17 Ways to Tell You’ve Gone and Grown Up” and “5 Reasons I’m Jealous of Pregnant Women”: gluten-free fare by kids for whom “nostalgia” means “the 1990s.”

Naïve, self-absorbed, overly earnest, poorly written stuff? Absolutely. But “offensive”?

Well, yes, if you’re the awfully important-sounding Nieman Journalism Lab.

Amusingly, Nieman’s mission statement, just like Thought Catalog’s, expresses a prim, pageant-contestant-type concern for “the future of journalism”—a future that, if the former gets its way, will not include the latter.