5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: How To Deal With the Brainwashed

Jim Goad writes:

To be a modern leftist is to embrace a constellation of lies. They eat lies as if they were corn flakes. Leftism is based on a false premise, and all political systems whose roots are planted in quicksand will inevitably sink into totalitarianism. They start with one flawed premise—equality, which is a laughably obvious lie—and embrace it as an untouchable truth. And they will tell a billion other lies to protect that main lie.

You’ve heard the lies again and again…

Alas, I can’t agree with Goad’s conclusion: that mockery should be our weapon of choice.

As I’ve said countless times, we’ve been making fun of political correctness since the movie PCU, and it’s only gotten worse.

If satire worked, then Charlie Chaplin would have prevented WW2.