5 Feet of Fury

Man stabbed in downtown Toronto after accidentally bumping into a Muslim

     According to police, a confrontation started after the victim bumped into one of the two men while he was texting.

“Those men took exception and took it as a direct slight against them,” Const. Victor Kwong said Wednesday morning. “So they attacked the victim.” (…)

Mohamed Ali, 27, has been arrested and charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault. Police are seeking one more suspect in connection with the stabbing…

For those unfamiliar with Toronto geography and culture, “Yonge-Dundas Square at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning,” i.e., The Eaton Centre, is not considered a horribly dangerous place and time, despite how it may sound/compare to where you live.

The bars are still open, car and pedestrian traffic is steady, the subways and streetcars are running, and unlike many American downtowns, ours doesn’t turn terribly sinister after the stores close and the sun sets.