Yesterday a friend sent me this link to Warren Kinsella’s blog. Here’s an excerpt:
Personally, I have in the past been a member of the board to the (now defunct) Canada Israel Committee, and legal advisor to the (also defunct) Canadian Jewish Congress. I was always very proud to support Israel, and to raise my voice to defend Israel’s right to a secure homeland.
Some years ago, however, I learned of plans to send two white supremacists on an expenses-paid junket to Israel. I wrote a personal letter to the head of the CIC to object. His response? To leak the letter to the media, and to permit the junket to go ahead.
I thereafter severed all links with pro-Israel groups, and I haven’t been back. Several other progressive pro-Israel advocates – some of them with decades of tireless commitment to Israel, most of then Jewish – experienced similar shunning.
The “two white supremacists” are my husband and I.
Here’s what’s interesting:
Warren Kinsella works for Sun News.
Sun News has advertised on my blog, and my husband’s, for years.
Will Warren Kinsella “sever all links” to Sun News due to their association with “two white supremacists”?