5 Feet of Fury

Shocka! Mainstream media did no homework on Rob Ford’s shirtless stalker John Furr

Richard Klagsbrun writes:

Yesterday morning, at a public press conference, an hysterical opponent of Rob Ford named John Furr whipped off his shirt to reveal a pasty, doughy, 52 year-old torso and screamed abuse at Toronto’s mayor for the entire proceeding.

Toronto’s mainstream media, which for the most part shares a detestation for Toronto’s embattled mayor, was more than happy to give Furr air-time and promote a sanitized representation of him. Doing absolutely no homework, or at least not willing to report any of it, they played accomplice to Furr’s efforts to represent himself as someone who, as the Globe and Mail uncritically reported,  “wanted to represent normal people.”

So how ‘normal’ is John Furr…?