5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn wishes Courtney Love a happy 50th birthday, too

Mark Steyn writes:

Circa 1998, Miss Love, lead singer of the popular beat combo Hole, was at a Democrat fundraiser in Hollywood when the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Al Gore, approached her. “I’m a really big fan,” gushed the Vice-President.

“Yeah, right,” scoffed Courtney. “Name a song.”

The panicked Vice-Panderer floundered helplessly for a few moments until his Secret Service detail moved in and rescued him. As first promulgated by Denis Healey, Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, the politician’s First Rule of Holes is: When you’re in one, stop digging. Al introduced us to a Second Rule: When you’re with one, stop pretending to dig her.