5 Feet of Fury

Miley Cyrus has six months to live

Famous second-last words:

I think the universe puts this responsibility to certain people that they know can handle it and I think I’m strong enough.

Famous actual last words:

Watch this, everybody!


If only Gig Young had then turned to the camera and said, “Another thing, kids: Don’t get drunk and play with guns!”

PS: Of interest only to me:

Back in the late 1980s/early 1990s, I wrote a long poem about James Dean and one of the sections was about his December 12, 1954 appearance on a live TV drama with Ronald Reagan. I based in on a couple of sentences in a Dean bio, and a still photo of the production, showing Dean’s character pulling a gun on Reagan’s.

It never occurred to me to search for the old kinescope online, but when I went to YouTube to get Dean’s “driver safety film,” this was posted in the “related” column: