5 Feet of Fury

‘In this column I will explain why the Caucasian race will shortly be extinct, and why it is a good idea’

Fred Reed then proceeds to annoy everyone.

Warren Kinsella calls me a “white supremacist,” a statement that illustrates why I’m not a “white supremacist.”

Because Kinsella is a fool for making such an observation, and, since he’s white, that means he is clearly far from “superior.”

So are many of the white people I’ve encountered in my half-century on earth.

Unlike Kinsella, I was raised among stupid white people, and endeavored to get away from them at the earliest opportunity.

Unlike Kinsella, I’ve watched more than a few episodes of The Jerry Springer Show, and it’s impossible to hold “white supremacist” views after that.

So I’m probably even less of a “white supremacist” than Warren Kinsella, come to think of it, if such a thing were even possible.

Of course, he won’t understand anything I’ve just typed, thereby proving my point.