5 Feet of Fury

Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide

Gotta get this:

A few years back, Nucleus Films made some noise in the European genre home video mar­ket with a release enti­tled Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide.  Not only did it deliver a defin­i­tive doc­u­men­tary on the U.K.‘s “Video Nasties” furore of the early ‘80s but also included trail­ers for all 72 films that made the offi­cial video nas­ties lists AND com­men­tary on these films from a vari­ety of U.K. genre experts and scen­esters.  American hor­ror fans will be happy to hear that Severin Films just gave this triple-disc set a domes­tic release — and those hor­ror fans will find it to be a cause for celebration.