5 Feet of Fury

‘Reason is Racism, Ignorance is Strength’

John Derbyshire writes:

Now, I’ve come in for plenty of abuse in the past because of negative things I’ve said about blacks.  The things in question are, to the best of my understanding, all true; but apparently truth is no defense in this zone.

In any case, I’m not aware of harboring any negative feelings about blacks. They just are what nature made them, like the rest of us; it’s nobody’s fault, and I harbor no ill will—certainly not “hate.” I try to be polite, and to give every man his due.

What I want to know, contemplating Paul Mabrey, Carrie Wells, Megan Gilliland, and the mighty host of whites who agree with them—including those whooping and applauding in the debate hall March 24th—what I really, desperately want to know is: What in God’s name is wrong with white people?