5 Feet of Fury

They told me that talking to yourself is a sign of insanity, and they were right

I’m going crazy pointing this out again and again to naive, gung-ho “conservative culturists” who think all we have to do is “make our own movies” and stuff.

Unless we own and operate the means to promote and distribute all these movies and books and songs, we are screwed.

Exhibit #5,729:

…it comes on the heels of Josie the Outlaw, another libertarian YouTube personality, having her page removed without notice.Josie’s page has since been restored.

In the case of Adam’s page, the admins were notified of the post being removed, but are now unable to even log into their personal accounts. This is unusual. Regular readers of mine will recall that I’ve been banned from Facebook dozens of times. I’m the frequent target of leftists who report posts to Facebook whether they violate the terms or not. I have had entire pages deleted from Facebook, but I was always notified and told why. Only once was I unable to log into my personal account, and that was resolved after about 48 hours. (…)

Whatever the story behind this particular incident, it is becoming clear that Facebook is not a reliable means of communication, especially if you make political enemies. The reporting system functions in such a fashion that anybody can get anybody banned, just by having enough people who are willing to make reports. Google is no alternative, as we’ve seen Mark Dice, and Stefan Molyneux banned from YouTube…