5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: ‘Fuck Donald Sterling, But Where’s The Outrage Over The Loss Of Privacy?’

Gavin McInnes gets it right:

This is the America we’re living in today. Cliven Bundy is a monster because he “wonders” something. “Bossy” is a sexist term. Everyone’s transphobic. All whites are walking around with an invisible backpack of privilege. Our poor eat too much and our racists don’t care if their girlfriends sleep with black guys. Nice problems, America.

Incidentally, how would you feel about your girlfriend fucking 7-foot-tall black millionaires? If you are not OK with it, you’re more racist than Sterling and should pay, I don’t know, $3 million? (…)

Do you want to live in a world where you can’t even say terrible things privately on the phone? Can you imagine the kind of homophobic shit these players say to their girlfriends on the phone? Remember when Kobe Bryant called a ref a “fucking fag”? Me, neither. It barely made the news.