5 Feet of Fury

‘What Exactly Did Cliven Bundy Say That A) Was Wrong; B) Paul Ryan Didn’t Already Say?’

Because Peter Brimelow stopped giving a shit LOOONNNGGGG ago…

Bundy’s comparison to slavery—posed, it should be noted, as a hypothetical—was clearly meant to cast a sympathetic light on the unfortunate plight of American blacks, which he attributed (in these comments at least) solely to a culture of welfare dependency. This is a truism that could appear in any race-whipped Conservatism Inc. mouthpiece like National Review.

Even more absurdly, Bundy’s point is exactly the same as that just made by the appalling immigration enthusiast Rep. Paul Ryan—which Lowry, a notorious presidential candidate groupie, defended.

This is hypocrisy on a level with allowing neocon-anointed holy man Victor Davis Hanson to publish an article saying the exact same thing about black criminal propensities that Lowry had earlier fired John Derbyshire for saying.

Lowry will go far…