5 Feet of Fury

Shalom Toronto on JDL Canada: It’s mission has evolved, and membership is growing


A strapping six footer, with dark unruly hair that is just starting to gray, Meir looks far younger than 57. When I ask if he was ever threatened or beat up, he shrugs my question off with, “I’m an obstacle for a lot of these guys. My mission is to shut down organizations that pose a threat to the Jewish people and to Israel and nobody is going to stop me. I realized a long time ago, this is my life — this is what I have to do”

When Iran inspired, anti-Zionist, Al Quds Day was held at Queens Park, JDL and its supporters were there. They faced off recently against a group promoting Free Palestinian Prisoners Day in front of the Israeli Consulate.

When the Jaffari Centre made moves to establish a Muslim enclave in Thornhill Woods, they fired off protest letters to Vaughan City Hall.

Speakers like the controversial Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are drawing sell-out crowds.