5 Feet of Fury

Brian Singer and ‘Pedophile Rings’: My NEW Taki’s column

As of 6:50 am ET, not a single “JOOOO!” in the comments!

For whatever reason—a quirk of the collective unconscious; individual shame and guilt; profound resentment of the ruling elite—the modern mind wants to believe in these vast pederast conspiracies, even though, again and again, investigations into their existence come up embarrassingly empty.

Yes, we can argue that this is because “the authorities” are members of the ring, too, but lots of “authorities” were in on Mafia and KKK malfeasance; this made prosecution difficult, but certainly not impossible. There are museums packed with primary source evidence of the Klan’s existence, and the Mob’s; contrast that with this utterly bizarre example of what can only be described as anti-journalism that appeared in the UK’s Islington Tribune earlier this month:

“Despite recognition that a huge paedophile ring preyed on Islington children’s homes in the 1970s and 1980s no one has ever been prosecuted and all the records of the homes and the names of the children who went to them have been ‘lost.'”