5 Feet of Fury

Niger Innis: Cliven Bundy ‘Clumsily’ Stated an Important Point


What would’ve been better is if Cliven had said, ‘Look, there are a number of blacks and Latinos and poor whites now that are involved in a real slavery, which is the slavery of government dependence,'” Innis said.

“I’m up here in Tonopah, which is part of my district, and I was just talking with a local businesswoman who pointed across the street and talked to me about low-income housing or free government-subsidized housing and how the people there do not work because they don’t have to.

“They may not even know that they are slaves, but there is in fact a neoslavery that exists. When you take out individual initiative, individual responsibility, and the hope that every individual is born with, to better their lives, to climb the economic ladder, to pursue happiness, that is in fact a neoslavery.”