5 Feet of Fury

Boxing, jihad and… Justin Trudeau?

At the end of his post on the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, Mark Steyn writes:

Like the photographs of Mrs. Tsarnaeva then and now, these are stories of dis-assimilation, of secularized Easterners who in the vacuum of Western multiculturalism search for identity and find a one-stop shop in Islamic imperialism.

Either that, or it’s the local gym. Like Lors and Tamerlan, the Aussie sheikh and the Canuck terrorist were boxers.

For African-Americans, boxing used to be the way out of the ghetto. For Western Muslims, boxing is apparently the way out of Cambridge, Mass. — and straight into jihad.

Earlier this morning, a loyal 5FF reader sent me this link; his subject line was “why is it that some terrorists look like younger versions of Justin [Trudeau]?”

Frankly, I don’t see the resemblance in the link above.

But that Boston bomber that Rolling Stone put on the cover is another matter.

Anyway, we all know that Justin thinks these guys are just “misunderstood” — and that he’s not a bad boxer himself.