5 Feet of Fury

Indeed: ‘Analogies like that don’t work for the left anymore’

Mark Steyn on the Mozilla mess:

 As they see it, the difference between firing an anti-gay guy and firing a pro-gay guy is that the anti-gay guy is bad and deserves to be fired whereas the pro-gay guy isn’t and doesn’t. You could complicate it for them – the pro-gay guy is fired by a Muslim. But, until that starts happening on a regular basis, the western left is increasingly comfortable with the notion that core western liberties have to take a back seat to more fashionable rights, like anti-racism or “marriage equality”.

He’s right. The “Now just imagine if Rush Limbaugh had said that…” trope was played out years ago.

When conservatives employ it, it is almost as useless as “Golly, this is political correctness gone mad!” — more empty calorie blather, another counterproduct cliche like “First they came for…”

The “Just Imagine” Game presumes that leftists are logical and principled.

They are not.

They are too often neurotic, brainwashed, conformist mediocrities — who also too often happen to be in positions of significant authority and influence.

They don’t need no stinkin’ analogies.