5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: Revenge of the Turds

Gavin McInnes’s sarcasm is going to further muddle many heads:

This is fun. Let’s do this to other white supremacists on the Hatewatch list. Violence is for pussies. I want racists to have to mate and habituate with visible minorities. John Derbyshire personifies pure evil: he was fired from National Review for telling his children to be wary of black politicians and try to avoid being singled out by a black mob. Hey, white man, how about you marry a minority and have a son and a daughter with her? How sweet would it be for Derbyshire to have to stare at his own offspring and see Asian eyes staring back at him? Whoops, you just sullied your own perfect race, John. Of course, this will never happen—because white racists abhor anyone who doesn’t look like them—but we can dream, can’t we?