5 Feet of Fury

Meet the Famous British Liberals Who Support Government Control of the Media: My NEW PJMedia post

A handy list to help you clean out your book, CD and DVD collection — and know whose work to avoid in the future!

Within living memory, plays could only be performed in London if they’d been approved by the Lord Chamberlain.

Naturally, that regime was pulled down in the late 1960s; it may surprise some to note how many of the names on the Hacked Off petition are “Swinging London” era artists who led, and benefited hugely from, the battle to abolish that and other restrictions on free speech.

That very surprise is what surprises me.

By now, doesn’t everyone know that many of the leftist Baby Boomers who led the 1960s and 1970s “revolution” were always totalitarian hypocrites?

Speaking of surprise, I was relieved to make it down the list of names without seeing one that left me disenchanted.

(I’m not enough of a fan to share Catherine Bennett’s distress that the list includes “no fewer than three Doctor Whos.”)