5 Feet of Fury

Yes, Grindhouse IS a pretty weird company to be releasing The Swimmer on Blu-Ray, but…

Schlockmania has a lengthy post on the upcoming Blu-Ray and the extras:

The first part of The Story Of The Swimmer is enti­tled “Backstroke” and deals pri­mar­ily with the pre-production phase.  Fans will be inter­ested to hear that Burt Lancaster had zero swim­ming skills at the out­set of the pro­duc­tion…

However, that’s not all that the set itself includes.  The final extra is a liner notes book­let fea­tur­ing two essays.  The first is an appre­ci­a­tion of the film from direc­tor Stuart Gordon that com­pares and con­trasts the film with the short story that inspired it and makes an inter­est­ing case for it as an alle­gor­i­cal ghost story.  The sec­ond essay is by Innis who chron­i­cles the film from gen­e­sis to cult fol­low­ing.  It offers a lot of infor­ma­tion that sup­ple­ments The Story Of The Swimmer, par­tic­u­larly the intrigu­ing bio­graph­i­cal details about Eleanor and Frank Perry.

Simply put, this set is a stun­ner.  Grindhouse Releasing has proven they can step into Criterion ter­ri­tory with skill and style, deliv­er­ing a killer trans­fer and a set of sup­ple­ments that go deep into the film and the artis­tic tug-of-war that spawned it.

It’s an early con­tender for 2014’s best-of-year list and proof that Grindhouse has plenty of sur­prises up its sleeve.