5 Feet of Fury

Dead Celebrities Pitch Beer, Chocolate, Bad Taste: My NEW PJMedia post

Check it out:

First, a pixilated, pixie-cut “Audrey Hepburn” stars in a glossy Dove Chocolate spot that the Los Angeles Times condemned as “the creepiest TV commercial ever made.”

I was relieved to find out I wasn’t the only one who finds the practice of virtually reanimating deceased celebrities ghoulish and tasteless.

Now, I realize society is on an extended zombie kick.

However, this particular sun drenched, madcap production — in which Hepburn is chauffeured through the Uncanny Valley portion of the Riviera — is arguably more disturbing than the goriest “living dead” scenario, precisely because it so blithely denies the reality of death.

A la Norman Bates and his mother, pretending dead people were still alive used to be a sign of insanity.

Now it’s the premise for a sales pitch.