5 Feet of Fury

Which is why I usually avoid attending conservative confabs

Mark Steyn writes:

On Saturday, I spoke to the Northeast Republican Leadership Conference in Nashua, New Hampshire. I was one of the last of a bazillion speakers over two days, many of whom – Bobby Jindal, for example – had pointed out how serious things are by offering some variant of the warning that, if we’re not careful, we’ll wind up like Europe.

So I tried to explain that, by most measures, America is already way beyond Europe, and significantly worse than other English-speaking nations in the New World (Canada, Australia, New Zealand). (…)

America is not who it thinks it is. (…)

America’s national mythology is also part of the problem. We still have all the best slogans: “Don’t tread on me”, “Don’t mess with Texas”. I love New Hampshire’s – “Live free or die”.

I just wish we lived it instead of putting it on a license plate.