5 Feet of Fury

Racist, sexist, violent V8 commercial!! Epic beta male faggotry at (where else?) the Good Men Project

Or else this is satire.

Professor upset by… violent interracial V8 commercial:

What messages, subtle and not-so-subtle, does this TV commercial project? Though it portrays a woman in a leadership position, its transformational potential has been decimated. We witness in this scenario, instead, a reflection and reification of the unequal and inequitable racial power dynamics emanating from the larger society.

I argue, as well, that it at least subliminally, though more likely overtly, represents the racial profiling and violence perpetrated on people of color. A number of groups live with the constant fear of random and unprovoked systematic violence directed against them simply on account of their social identities.

The intent of this xenophobic (fear and hatred of anyone or anything seeming “foreign”) violence is to harm, humiliate, intimidate, control, and destroy the “other” on a number of levels, including the personal, interpersonal, institutional, and societal.