5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: Political Correctness is Dead

Gavin McInnes writes:

Shortly after Gabourey’s hate joke, a guy with a fake vagina named Janet Mock appeared on Piers Morgan to promote her book about transgendered people called Redefining Realness. Though Piers spent most of the interview kissing her ass, Janet was outraged that he showed some kind of interest in her genitalia. Mind you, these are the same genitals that she is using to define her career. Sorry, you can’t go on a press tour talking about how great it is to have a vagina put in and then get outraged when people ask, “So, what’s that about?”

Mock’s ideal interview is the one she did with MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry where they both talked about how hard it was growing up and being little black girls who had it rough as girls who were black and black, black, girl, girl.

The only problems are that Harris-Perry grew up in a white household and Mock wasn’t a girl. He was a boy. It became clear to me that the lunatics had taken over.