5 Feet of Fury

Sarah A. Hoyt: Depressing but not surprising insider scoop on traditional genre fiction publishing

Shock! The biz is full of stupid liberals!!

Besides this being “Latino” or “minority” fiction or whatever IMPLIES an imperative to whine about America and American values.

A)    I think that’s a load of nonsense, and I did even back when I was 15 and some idiot was telling me the reason Portugal didn’t have a computer industry was that America wouldn’t allow it.  (Or it could be the regulations, the innumerable restrictions on invention and a culture that tends to Manana.)

Apparently the only people allowed to think for themselves are properly ivy educated white people who can do whatever they want to (but don’t.  They willingly turn in their brains for the contradictory ideology of a crazy German scribbler [named Marx].  Never mind.)

Look, I can’t imagine a worse “colonization” than that, frankly.  I can’t imagine a colonialist, racist of the 19th century saying that a subjugated person doesn’t have his own thoughts, is not ALLOWED to have his own thoughts, and if he has his own thoughts he’s wrong and bad.  Or rather, I can, but you’d have to go all the way to slave owners.