5 Feet of Fury

The Anonymous Misogynist Online Army: My NEW Taki’s column

Lots of comments already (ironically):

Because, you see, “Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet.” So says Amanda Hess at the Pacific Standard. She relates some of the higher profile examples of frenzied vitriol that “uppity” female writers at all levels of fame seem to attract. “I just want to rape her with a traffic cone”—directed at a Jezebel.com blogger—is typical, if rather more creative than usual.

“[L]ike any good journalist,” Hess writes, “I keep a running file documenting the most deranged cases.”

That makes me a bad one (but I knew that anyhow). I maintain no such file. My attitude toward this “bullying” is more in line with Julie Burchill’s, who responded to Charlotte Dawson’s death by celebrating the “joy of online hatred.”