5 Feet of Fury

John Derbyshire reviews The Second Machine Age

John Derbyshire writes:

Either from fear or (more likely) sheer ignorance, they show no awareness of human biodiversity. They quote the USA’s unimpressive overall scores on the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests, apparently unaware that if the scores are disaggregated by race, our whites do better than most other countries’ whites, our Asians better than Asia’s Asians, our Hispanics as well as Latin America’s, and our blacks better than Trinidad’s (the only black nation listed).

Their prescriptions for immigration are even stupider—the full prompt sheet of Wall Street Journal and wacko-libertarian talking points. Why, with middle-class jobs melting away, would we need more people? And guys, if you’re going to write about immigration, at least try to get the jargon right. There is no such thing as an “H1-B visa.”