5 Feet of Fury

Equality: Where’s The Evidence?

Jim Goad writes:

Would you be so nice as to prove to me that your average Russian chess master and your typical Maori tribesman would score equally on IQ tests if they’d only been brought up the same?

Would you kindly explain in simple English why a hardworking Asian usually achieves a lot more than a hardworking Mexican?

I really want racial equality to be a scientific verity rather than a well-meaning but possibly dangerous fantasy. I’m not joking. I want to believe in it, but I want some proof. Is that too much to ask? (…)

Leftism has a stubborn tendency to invert reality. Again and again and again and AGAIN you hear that race is nothing more than a “social construct” by the SAME people who speak as if “culture” and “equality” are real things that you can observe under a microscope.

There’s a battalion of armored trucks filled with biological and purely logical evidence of “race,” while there’s not a dandelion petal’s worth of evidence that things such as “culture,” “equality,” and especially “racism” are anything more than ideas. (…)

If black underachievement in America is solely the result of hatred and racism, how might one explain much more severe cases of sub-Saharan underachievement in remote jungle areas where pale white toes have never trod?