5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: In Defense of Bronies

Gavin McInnes writes:

However, after watching My Little Pony, talking to their fans, and checking out the documentary Bronies, the truth hit me like an atomic wedgie. This isn’t about wimps such as Pajama Boy or those disgusting perverted Furries. It’s about autistic men trying to overcome their largest impairment: social interaction. Once you figure that out, making fun of them becomes equivalent to going up to a cancer patient on the dance floor, ripping off her wig, and yelling, “HA HA YOU’RE BALD!” (…)

I’ll never stop making fun of wimps, metrosexuals, beardists, dogmatic fatsos, Gawker fags, Daily Kos beta males, MSNBC bitches, transgendered whiners, Clay Aiken, commies, yoga, plushies, infantilists, maskers, and cuddle parties, but the autistic fan base of a social-interaction cartoon is different. Bullies still rule, literally, but Bronies are the exception that proves that rule. (…)

Sure, it looks retarded and it goes against pretty much everything I believe in, but these are not normal guys. They’re valuable assets to our society trying to undo the one thing that separates them from us.