5 Feet of Fury

Sailer accidentally adds new layer to ‘Pharrell’s Grammy hat’ thing

I don’t watch the Grammy’s but apparently that Pharrell guy wore a hat that got folks talking.


As Pharrell told The Hollywood Reporter after the show: “It’s a Vivienne Westwood Buffalo hat from when she was with Malcolm McLaren … It’s not vintage — I would’ve been really stylin’ if I had one from the ’80s.” (…)

NYMag adds the video to McLaren’s “Buffalo Gals” “song” by way of illustration:

For those who don’t know, McLaren semi-discovered rap and helped break it into the white mainstream.

Today, regarding white dude Macklemore’s “controversial” hip hop Grammy win, Steve Sailer writes:

To prevent white people from robbing blacks, the only kind of popular music white people should be allowed to create is square dance calling.

By the way, as Malcolm McClaren [sic] unkindly pointed out 31 years ago in “Buffalo Gals,” hip-hop was Stolen from the great white art form of square dance calling…