5 Feet of Fury

‘My guess is the lack of African DJs is because the organizers wanted someone to respond and confirm quickly’

Bwa ha ha!!!

Hard to pick one “funniest bit” out of this depressing and pathetic story — thanks to the loyal 5FF reader who sent it in –but I love that the “founder of Awesome Tapes From Africa” is named “Brian Shimkovitz.”

(See too “Alan Lomax” and “Norman Grantz“…)

It’s like how blacks don’t like or care about jazz or blues anywhere near as much white people do:

Every few a months, a white person will put on some Jazz and pour themselves a glass of wine or scotch and tell themselves how nice it is.  Then they will get bored and watch television or write emails to other white people about how nice it was to listen to Jazz at home.  “Last night, I poured myself a glass of Shiraz and put Charlie Parker on the Bose.  It was so relaxing, I wish I had a fireplace.”  Listing this activity as one of your favorites is a sure fire way to make progress towards a romantic relationship with a white person.