There are two of them. There’s one where he’s super drunk and hitting on her outside a tent at what I think was either the Police Picnic or Heatwave.
The other one is included in this exhaustive look back at MuchMusic, which predated MTV.
(You’ll want to read the whole thing):
One year later The New Music arrived like a force of nature and changed everything. In 1979 the world was still two years away from the launch of MTV, and while difficult to imagine at the time there were no in depth shows dedicated to exploring ideas behind music, never mind covering local bands, scenes, alternative culture and obscure New Wave and punk groups. Brainchild of the visionary John Martin, it was “Rolling Stone meets New Music Express, on TV”, with fearless hosts J.D Roberts and Jeanne Beker leading the charge against musical apathy.
Yep, Americans — that’s your network evening news anchor, John Roberts:
The New Music Stiff Little Fingers by Retrontario
The New Music Iggy Pop Disses Jeannie Beker 1980 by Retrontario
Daniel Richler was so cute. And holy shit, Larry’s Hideaway:
The New Music Daniel Richler by Retrontario
The CHUM 30 Countdown premiered in 1983 with host Roger Ashby, while Toronto Rocks debuted in 1984. Rocks enlisted CHUM radio personality John Mahjor, by all accounts one of the most talented and nicest in the industry. He memorably sat in the smallest set in the history of television, a Punch and Judy stage from which he inspired countless kids, garage bands and future rock historians to leg it home from school so as not to miss his essential 4 P.M. broadcasts.
Ozzy Osbourne once lived on my old street, Dundonald. Way before my time (1978?) I don’t think it was my apartment building, though, probably the highrise closer to the Gasworks. He’s astonishingly lucid here:
I can’t find the Ian Hunter “Toronto Rocks” themesong, though, which I always kind of preferred to the original “Cleveland” version.