5 Feet of Fury

Each year, Canada gives $1 billion to countries where Christians are persecuted. Why?

My husband ran the numbers:

Of the Top 50 Christian persecuting nations, 37 are Muslim states. The government gives your money to 30 of them. Think about what a Billion dollars could buy – here at home, where it belongs. It didn’t buy us any goodwill in the Muslim world, and it certainly hasn’t done anything to improve the plight of persecuted Christians.

This isn’t foreign aid, it’s White Liberal Guilt Tribute paid with your money to Islamist supremacist states whose “religion of peace” is anything but. Your money is being squandered to prop up Islamic failed states.

Here’s my question:

Immigration apologists insist we have to take in people from these places because their countries are so horrible.

But if their countries are still “horrible” after getting all this money, what good is it doing?