5 Feet of Fury

So Norman Rockwell was gay but not a single Nazi was?

Dear gays:

This is why people don’t like you.

You’re welcome.

As I’ve been saying…

As Gay Pride revs up yet again, thoughtful people are asked to swallow, as it were, the same tiresome and illogical worldview held by so many professional homosexuals.

Somehow, they manage to believe and promote the following contradictory “facts” at the same time:

* Gays are marginalized victims who live in the shadows — with their very own corporately sponsored parades and festivals that shut down major cities once a year.

* These pride parades have been going on for twenty years — BUT gays still claim to be as misunderstood, hated and persecuted as they were before Stonewall. Are these parades therefore ineffective? If so, what purpose do they serve?

* There is a “gay gene” — BUT “everyone is really bisexual” and “sexuality is fluid” — BUT despite said “fluidity”, gays cannot and do not “recruit” or “groom” straight young people, ever.

* All the great people who ever lived were “secretly gay”, like Shakespeare. No bad people like Hitler were “secretly gay” — unless the pent up pain caused by their “secret gayness” was what really made them crazy murderers!

* Religious “gay to straight” treatments are considered a sinister, existential threat to gay culture — AND can’t possibly “work.” Anyone who turns “straight” after therapy was never “really” gay anyhow, even though sexuality is fluid etc. The half dozen “gay people” I’ve known in my life who later “turned” straight (none of whom underwent treatment of any kind, but just… grew up) were also “not really gay” during the years they were having sex with same sex partners, coming out to their parents with mixed reactions, marching in the Pride Parade, taking “queer studies” and so forth. They were just “going through a phase” — even though a perennially popular queer t-shirt proclaims “It’s Not Just a Phase!”

* Gays commit suicide at high rates because everybody is persecuting them. Yet Lithuanians have the world’s highest suicide rate despite total non-existence of “Lithuan-ophobia.” Russians also have a high suicide rate. Can we somehow blame “residual Cold War hatred”? Discuss.

Blacks, Jews and women experience what leftists would describe as persecution, yet don’t have comparable suicide rates.

Only gays practically brag about their alleged suicide rates. (Are they neurotically and pathologically prone to romanticizing self-destructive behaviors? If so, why?)

* Gay activists claim domestic violence is no more common in gay relationships than in straight ones. If self-loathing caused by “homophobia” makes gays beat each other up, then what causes straight domestic violence again…?

* Movies like All About Eve and Johnny Guitar, which feature no gay characters, are all “really” about gays. However, overwhelming evidence of actual gay behaviour in real life (such as the sexual abuse of teenaged boys by Catholic priests and Buddhist monks) is NOT gay, even a little tiny bit.

* Does a movement based upon junk science, urban legends, romanticized non-history, a few sappy Hollywood films (in which, for some disturbing and mysterious reason, the gay characters all die, sometimes horribly…) and an (un)healthy dash of narcissism and neurosis really deserve so much respect?