5 Feet of Fury

The bestselling book of all time would be called ‘Hitler’s Golfing Dog’

Soooooo close….

So he thought, “Wait a minute — Hitler doesn’t have orchestras playing at 2 o’clock in the morning to fill up this radio time. They’ve developed some sort of technology that allows their recordings to have a lot more fidelity” than what we did. And so after the war they kind of raided the German radio stations. They discovered the technology (…)

People came by their studios and it looked like a junk pile, apparently, but Bing Crosby took an interest. He had a radio show, and as I said, everything had to be done live. Evidently Bing  thought to himself, “I would love if there was some sort of technology where I could pre-record shows so I’d have more time to play golf.” It was really about his golf game. And so he heard about this thing – this tape recorder that these guys developed. He took an interest, although the record companies and radio stations weren’t interested, he personally backed them and said, “make some of these things for me and I’m going to record my show and I can time shift my show and have a full day of golf.”

He did it and it kickstarted the whole recording industry