5 Feet of Fury

Lying, bullying lesbian waitress: Most embarrassing Marine since Lee Harvey Oswald?

What? A “lesbian” making up incest stories and “homophobic” nonsense?

Dear gays: This is why people hate you.

You’re welcome!

A gay dude writes:

What makes me sick is the ever-present victim mentality in the gay community that makes even the most farfetched story of wrongdoing against a lesbian (people well-known for being dick-hating liars) somehow believable and whose validity is never to be called into question.

It’s sad that the married couple, people who seemingly had no issues with The Gays before, now have a legitimate reason to distrust them and anyone else who believes that by demonizing the heterosexual nuclear family, they’re making strides for the gay community.

I honestly don’t know how this can be considered a newsworthy story. Even if it were true, even if someone did have an issue with her lesbianism, so what? WHO THE FUCK CARES?

The truth is you can’t expect everyone to accept you, let alone like you. People can take issue with any number of aspects in which I choose to live my life and being gay is just one of ‘em, but you know what? I don’t fucking care because even if someone has an issue with me being a cocksucker, that’s not gonna stop me from putting as many dicks in my mouth as I can before I die.