5 Feet of Fury


Glenn Beck AND Mike Rowe? What a combination!

Beck even revealed what he says is the “secret to success” for 80 percent of people these days: show up, pay attention, and just do what you’re supposed to do.

If you do just 5 percent more than that, he said, you’re almost guaranteed to end up with a corner office.

And if you’re willing to work around the clock to achieve your dreams, he said, you’ll be amazed by how much you can accomplish. (…)

Remember all the mean things I said about New Orleans after Katrina?

That the place was a cesspool and that the looting was just a typical Saturday night there, except wetter?

That when your city’s motto is “Let The Good Times Roll,” you doom yourself to failure before you even begin?

(And you can’t complain you “didn’t know” the storm would be that bad since your “official drink” is called “The Hurricane”?)

And I told you not to donate money to New Orleans because the people there are mostly shiftless low IQ ingrates?

Guess what?

Rowe said he recently spoke with the head of one of the biggest engineering firms in the world, and the two discussed how the company invested millions in workforce development in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The company “trained people like they were on steroids for about twelve weeks” in basic skills on how to rebuild and various safety protocols. But when the time came to deploy, immediately the workforce shrank, and the program “collapsed under its own weight.”  When they spent more money determining the problem, the company found out that people stopped coming to work because it was too hot outside, and they didn’t want to work in such conditions.