5 Feet of Fury

A (gay) Latino writes: What I Know About Latinos So Far


We’re racist. Remember way back in 2010 when former Miss Universe, Venezuelan Alicia Machado, Tweeted a message of hope after North Korea attacked South Korea?

Translated it read, “Tonight I want to ask you to join me in a prayer for peace, that these attacked between the Chinas do not make our situation worse.”

When Machado was subsequently berated by her followers, Mexican pop star Paulina Rubio came to her defense: “Leave her alone, all Japanese people look alike, and China is very big.” To a non-Latino, this may seem ignorant, but calling all Asians “Chinese” is very much part of our culture.

I can safely assure you that in every Latin family there is at least one relative they call “Chino” (chee-no) because they have chinky eyes.