5 Feet of Fury

Last night on The Daryl Show…


But go back to Lizzie’s ramble at the start of the episode, which prompts Carol to tell her, “We all change. We don’t get to stay the same way we started.” That explains Carol’s bonus survival tips to the little girl: run fast, keep your knife where you can grab it, and DON’T CALL ME MOM.

It also explains Carol’s attitude when the Produce Twins appear with fruit. One has a bum leg, the other, a weak shoulder. No matter to Carol, who’s ready to send them out on their own.

Even with Rick’s guns, at least one of them—the boho girl—ends up as zombie food. (Wonder why they left the leg behind?) Carol is unmoved by the sight of the walkers chowing down on Lilith Fair.

Her metamorphosis from abused wife and grieving mom to hard-ass survivalist makes sense—my beef is that the transformation was too abrupt.