5 Feet of Fury

OK, I’m willing to admit this is a good song

Readers haven’t been privy to the sporadic “Sandanista! Threat or menace…?” debate in my inbox, ever since I said “F— this noise” a while back.

Today a loyal 5FF reader suggested I stop thinking of Acapulco Sandanista! as an analog ALBUM — i.e. an “eat it all and it’s free!” steak/black twelve-inch strap-on of a 3-disc set (“with only two good songs on it”) — and listen to it as a digital playlist.

While this doesn’t do anything to change the fact that this album was clearly written, performed and produced by people who were totally stoned the entire time (not just at the Jamaica studio.)

Also, the thing is called Sandanista! (complete with stupid exclamation point.)

However, I am now willing to agree with my correspondent that “The Sound of Sinners” a fine song, impeccably recorded.

(That’s Tim Curry at the end btw.)

I’d post the live version available at YouTube but it’s from the US Festival or something, when the band were all obviously pissed at the promoters, the audience and each other. And there’s no choir, of course. Pretty miserable all around.

(And the studio version spares you having to watch Mick Jones unenthusiastically singing about “Jesus,” which isn’t quite as discomfiting as, say, a Barbra Streisand Christmas album, but still…)

My correspondent is also a fan of “The Leader,” which I’d forgotten about, but yeah:

“Somebody Got Murdered” is probably the one song everyone can agree on, even if they otherwise hate the album. One for the ages.

“Police On My Back” is a cover.

So that’s 3.5 songs?

Anyhow, here’s the video I didn’t want to post the first time around:

(“Spliff bunker.” Seriously. Sigh.)