5 Feet of Fury

‘Is Texas about the best fate that a heavily Hispanicized America can hope for?’

Steve Sailer pens a MUST-READ:

These are questions I’ve kicked around for much of the 21st century.

My long-time readers will note that several of my old ideas on affordable family formation and the differences between red states and blue states comprise the backbone of Tyler Cowen’s cover story in the current issue of TIME, “Why Texas Is Our Future.”

Cowen’s arguments are not all that well thought out, but his long feature is interesting as an example of the weird, almost Straussian influence I seem to have on what’s considered cutting-edge thought in the mainstream media. (…)

A bright fellow and an exceptionally fast reader, Cowen’s intellectual potential was long held back by his conventional 1970s-style libertarianism.

In this decade, however, Cowen’s worldview has come more under my influence, which has ironically helped give him a growing reputation as an important new thinker.

For example, here is Cowen’s halfhearted 2009 attempt to denounce me on his Marginal Revolution blog: “Why Steve Sailer is wrong.” The comments, in which Cowen gets thoroughly drubbed by his readers, are illuminating. Cowen is not stupid, and years of losing arguments with me have taught him valuable lessons. (…)

Actually, Texas isn’t as awful as Cowen makes it sound. When you adjust for the fact that it’s 55.5% nonwhite, it’s doing OK by most measures.

Strikingly, Cowen never mentions in his Texas article any of the following words:

“Hispanic,” “Latino,” “Mexican,” “immigrant,” or “white.”