5 Feet of Fury

Bernie Farber could not be reached for comment

Jim Goad on “the little blonde gypsy girl”:

 It looks as if someone had taken a clean First World canvas and splattered it with a janitor’s bucket full of the Third World.

The girl’s “parents” turned out to be a Roma couple that originally gave conflicting stories of how they acquired her, but DNA tests confirmed they were not her biological parents. Then it emerged that the couple had registered and were receiving public assistance for 14 children.

Among these were three kids the mother had allegedly spawned during a five-month span in 1993 and another three her womb reputedly spat out during a fevered three-month birthin’ jag in 1995.

The couple was receiving close to $4,000 a month in child benefits and has been arrested on suspicion of abducting a minor. (…)

(Side note: One would think that if they were really that good at fortunetelling, the Gypsies would have seen the Nazis coming.) (…)

But Gypsies are entirely unlike Jews in their flabbergasting lack of educational and technological achievement. In their staggering lack of cultural and financial power. In the fact that poverty follows them everywhere like body odor. In the sense that they appear to be so dumb and disorganized, it hasn’t even occurred to them to carve out a homeland of their own somewhere.