5 Feet of Fury

Robot Hookers of the Near Future: My NEW Taki’s piece

Comments should be relatively JOOOO!!!-free, but as usual, it’s hard to predict…

Of course, high-tech hookers are a standard-issue science-fiction trope. In meatspace, though, would more than a few curious or desperate men hire one? Yes, I know, guys don’t pay prostitutes for sex, they pay them to leave. No doubt that mission-critical function will be one of the first to be programmed into bimbo-bots (which will also possess another transhuman advantage right off the assembly line: no gag reflex).

Assuming these automatons were also sufficiently visually and tactilely appealing, they’d probably satisfy the basic male desire for variety, which has been known to trump even beauty as a boinkability benchmark. (See “Brown, Divine.”)

(Although if calls to the London Fire Brigade are any indication, some fellows won’t be bothered if robot prostitutes don’t look sufficiently human. Last week, the department felt compelled to warn gentlemen not to abuse emergency services—and their most sensitive bits—by sticking their dicks into toasters.)