Paul Austin Murphy writes a worthy piece about Tommy Robinson’s departure from the EDL, and he quotes from the BNP’s website.
Just note that BNP’s anti-Zionism should trouble everyone.
Here’s part of their call to EDL supporters to defect:
But it wasn’t long before the true nature of Robinson’s Zionist backers was laid bare when he announced that he was becoming joint leader of a newly created, and ill-fated pro-Zionist ‘nationalist’ political party in Britain.
Unable to harness the backing of EDL activists – not least because of an in depth, well researched exposé by the BNP on his shady Zionist links – Robinson abandoned all hopes of deceiving the patriotic English working class to support the Zionist/Marxist international agenda.
UPDATE — Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller offer further comment:
I don’t know what has happened to him — perhaps he cracked under the immense pressure, as Pamela suggests below, or maybe the thoroughly corrupt, compromised and utterly venal British government made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, or maybe he was threatened by other parties. In any case, it is sad to see a man who established the EDL with a Jewish division now become a protege of enemies of Israel, and a man who once spoke truths about jihad violence and Islamic supremacism willingly accept “instruction in Islam” from people who have repeatedly and demonstrably lied about those things.
Whatever happened, it is clear that Tommy Robinson has not been honest with us. Even when he appeared at our conference in New York on September 11, 2012, he was already regularly meeting with Mo Ansar and perhaps with Quilliam as well — but said not a word about it.
I only subsequently learned, after releasing our initial statement of support, that he had been meeting with Islamic supremacist deceivers like Mo Ansar for 18 months, and was taking instruction on Islam from the false moderates of the Quilliam Foundation. And I didn’t hear about it from Tommy, who never gave me any hint of any of this — I read about it in the press along with everyone else.
Quilliam is even worse than that. It published a document in June 2013, two months after an Islamic jihadist beheaded Lee Rigby on a London street. Instead of calling for reform of the jihad doctrine that led to Rigby’s murder, it only discusses “extremism” in general. The only group mentioned in it is not Anjem Choudary’s Muslim group, of which the murderer Mujahid Adebolajo was a member, but the EDL. It is clear even from this that Quilliam considers the EDL, not jihad groups, its chief enemy. (…)
Today the New Era Tommy Robinson went to a Muslim area to speak about true, peaceful Islam, and got beaten up by Muslims who haven’t gotten the reform message, but have obviously read the quran.