5 Feet of Fury

‘Of course, in England 2013, you can get arrested for writing such things on the web’

Says the loyal 5FF reader who sent me the link to this comment under the Rude Boy (1980) upload:

Divide and conquer distracts from the people uniting and fighting the REAL problems. Which would be against our powers-that-be’s vested interests.

Introducing racial disharmony to the UK is one form of divide and conquer – whilst the shareholders of the country profit from cheap imported labour. That worked well, didn’t it? Now we’re competing globally with India for IT jobs, and what does that leave us?

I know that hatred itself sucks, but what if the ‘nazis’ shown in the film had a good point?

England: It’s Poland with better TV!

What a shithole:

Rude Boy is the Easy Rider of conservative punks, because we all cheer at the end — when Thatcher gets in.

Otherwise, (fully — and stylishly — clothed) porn for punk girls.

Great live musical performances of course, but Joe hams it up (as previously noted), an embarrassed Mick tries unsuccessfully to hide behind his hair and only Paul seems not to be “acting.”