5 Feet of Fury

‘I am so sick and tired of every moron in the universe loving that one, dead Jewish girl’

Laura Rosen Cohen on the “Anne Frank Video Game” and the entire Annex Industrial Complex:

Burn down the house. Torch the trees and the saplings.

You would think that there are NO OTHER Holocaust survivors, that there were no other compelling stories….But all we get is ANNE FRANK.

What’s next? Anne Frank line of clothing? Diaries? Pens?

Could everyone in the whole world JUST STOP IT???

Here is my conclusion: the people and institutions who do anything with Anne Frank, which has become A BRAND rather than a murdered Jew are just exorcising their own demons. Whatever they do with the Anne Frank Brand has little to do with the Holocaust and more to do with them and their own sickening, pathetic and self-indulgent neurosis.