5 Feet of Fury

‘Self-styled laureates lose claim to Nobel status after the IPCC ends their embarrassing boasting’

Michael Mann hardest hit:

When the IPCC was awarded half of the Nobel Peace Prize back in 2007 (Al Gore won the other half), its chairman profoundly over-stepped his authority. Writing to IPCC-affiliated academics en masse, Rajendra Pachauri proclaimed: “This makes each of you Nobel Laureates.”

Everyone should have understood that this was mere rhetorical flourish. The same prize was bestowed on Amnesty International in 1977. Eleven years later, it went to UN peacekeeping forces. If people who used to work for Amnesty went around calling themselves Nobel laureates, we’d dismiss them as insecure egos run amok.

But the climate world resembles the Wild West. (…)

Actually, the Wild West was less “wild” than the world of “global warming,” but otherwise?

An epic smackdown and a fine appetizer from Donna’s new e-book, Into the Dustbin: Rajendra Pachauri, the Climate Report & the Nobel Peace Prize
